Pan-Territorial conference/discussion: The benefit and retention of the immigrant workforce
December 6, 2021You are an employer, you are hiring, or do you have plans to hire immigrants within your company? Would you like to learn more about immigrant workforce retention in your company or share with us your good practices on this subject? If so, come and participate in our hybrid (face-to-face/online) conference discussion for employers on: ...
The 2021 Liaison Tour starts tomorrow!
September 13, 2021The Liaison Tour hosts two major events: the Community meetings and the B2B Virtual Fair for employers. September 14 and 15, 2021 – Meeting sessions for community stakeholders! The goal of the community meetings is to position Francophone immigration as a solution for Canadian employers and to discuss its impact on the communities. They will ...
NWT Circular Economy Movement
May 27, 2021Are you interested in sustainable development? Would you like to help us develop the NWT Circular Economy Movement? We invite you to be a part of the NWT Circular Economy Movement plan, an exciting initiative taking place in Yellowknife. The project’s purpose is to develop a Circular Economy Movement Label for Yellowknife by collaborating with a range of local stakeholders. Conseil de ...
Destination Canada Job Fair
October 18, 2019CDETNO will attend for the 13th time Destination Canada Job Fair, in Paris and Brussels, from November 15th to 19th. Two CDETNO’s employees will promote employment opportunities and the lifestyle in the Northwest Territories to hundreds of European jobs seekers. The forum will also allow candidates to obtain all relevant information on economic immigration, life in Canada and ...
General Annual Meeting 2018-2019
October 1, 2019CDETNO is pleased to invite members and the general public to its General Annual Meeting (AGM) on October 16, 2019, at 5:30 PM at Union of Northern Workers (Stantec), Yellowknife. Agenda: review of the past year, election of the board of directors, presentation of the Annual Report and the financial statements. Three positions are available ...
Seeking your donations of outdoor work and office wear
February 26, 2019 Dress to Impress is seeking mild & cold weather outdoor work wear and office wear in all sizes, styles and for all genders. Clothing is accessed by local job seekers for interviews and for the first weeks on the job. With the support of the community-at-large and via the GNWT Anti-poverty fund, Dress ...
CDÉTNO announces the hiring of its new Communication and Marketing Officer
February 8, 2019Yellowknife, February 05, 2019 – CDETNO is pleased to announce the hiring of Miss Carine Ouedraogo as Communications and Marketing Officer. ...
National Francophone Immigration Week
November 5, 2018From November 4–10, 2018, Canada will celebrate National Francophone Immigration Week, an initiative by the Fédération des communautés francophones et acadiennes (FCFA). To mark the occasion, Conseil de développement économique des Territoires du Nord-Ouest (CDETNO) and the Department of Industry, Tourism and Investment (ITI) is honouring four Francophone immigrants who chose the Northwest Territories as ...