Webinar: New Pathways to PR
Webinar: Application for Permanent Residency – 3 Major Classes and PNP
Webinar: Immigration and Employment related issues during COVID-19
We will also did a quick overview of Income Benefits and Supports: The Canada Emergency Benefit and Employment Insurance Program. In order to make these subjects closer to the public, the presentation will be illustrated with many real-life situations.
- Ressources : Presentation and 3 Fact Sheet
Webinar: Universal Basic Income in the Northwest Territories
CDETNO organized a webinar on entrepreneurship and Universal Basic Income in the Northwest Territories, as an economic diversification and job creation measure.
Sira Diabira (CDÉTNO) presented the support measures for local individuals and businesses in the immediate, Gordon Ross (Career Center, Workforce Hub) presented global, national and territorial trends in employment and William Gagnon (CDÉTNO) presented objectives for the 2030 Agenda (Sustainable Development Objectives, Circular Economy, and Guaranteed Basic Income).
Panelists Rylund Johnson (MLA, Yellowknife North), Arlene Hache (community activist, Alternatives North), Zoe Guile (activist, Our Time) and entrepreneur Étienne Croteau (Flavour Traders) shared their views on the topic.
Thank you for your participation!
This webinar is just the first in a series of many.
Find the webinar pdf below: