Welcome and Integration Services

f008a0b26ac8ea93ba119ecf340c334a-xxlargeWelcome to the NWT! CDETNO is the premier organization in the Northwest Territories (NWT) for bilingual Welcome and Integration Services.

We support immigrant clients in their economic and community integration. We offer information and referral services to the available resources in order to improve your integration process.

Services available to newcomers:

  • Welcome and Integration Services
  • Family Services (and school integration)
  • Employability and Employer Services
  • Community Services

Our Welcome and Integration Services are available to all newcomers to the NWT, until they become Canadian citizens, after which there are other CDETNO services available to citizens.

Welcome and Integration Services

As soon as you arrive, we invite you to contact us or drop by to meet us.

  • We will assess your needs and those of your family in order to refer you to the available resources. These needs can be administrative, professional, academic, etc.
  • We organize information and orientation sessions on various subjects related to your settlement and integration. For example education, housing, health, community and cultural organizations, life in Canada, and the NWT (Northwest Territories).
  • We accompany you in your administrative procedures by putting you in contact with government and territorial services.
  • We give you access to support services:

– Interpretation

– Translation services

– Transportation

Both Gakah

Settlement Advisor (English service)

867-680-0610, ext. 101 or 833-688-1631


Sonia Kouakou

Settlement Advisor (French service)

867-873-5962 ext. 108 or 833-688-1549


Family Services and School Integration

Bilingual Support for Adaptation and School Integration Services for newcomers, students, and their parents newly arrived in Canada (SWIS Program).

Employability and Employer Services  

CDETNO supports NWT Francophones and newcomers in their integration into the labour market.

Looking for information on living and working in Yellowknife? Visit the Yellowknife Insider’s Guide.

Community Services

CDETNO is a partner of the Intercultural Centre NWT to ensure the reception and integration of newcomers.

Yellowknife Immigration Partnership (LIP)

The Yellowknife Immigration Partnership is a consultative body that works collaboratively with stakeholders and partners to:

  • Systemize local engagement and awareness of newcomers’ integration process;
  • Support community-level research and identify community-specific strategic priorities;
  • Implement a settlement strategy and action plans;
  • Improve coordination of effective services that facilitate immigrant settlement and integration (Service Provider Organizations and mainstream institutions).
  • Improve access to the labour market for immigrants.

Immigrate to the NWT

Here are some examples of programs that may fit your personal situation:

There is also a territorial program in the Northwest Territories (NWT) called the Nominee Program, you can consult the Government of the Northwest Territories website: www.immigratenwt.ca   (https://www.ece.gov.nt.ca/en/services/immigration-and-nominee-program ) .

Please note that not all available programs are on this list.

Pre-Departure Services

Pre-Departure Services respond to the questions and needs of permanent resident immigrants living outside Canada. CDETNO does not provide pre-departure services directly. We work in collaboration with several organizations:


Yellowknife Insider’s Guide

Welcome to NWT

Welcome to Canada