Press release – CDETNO takes recruitment efforts to Europe

Press Release

For immediate release



CDETNO takes recruitment efforts to Europe


CDETNO, in collaboration with the Government of the Northwest Territories, represents NWT employers at Destination Canada job fair,

 in Paris and Brussels


Yellowknife, November 14, 2016 – As part of its mandate to support employers in the recruitment of skilled labor in the Northwest Territories, CDETNO will attend, for the 9th time, Destination Canada job fair in Paris from November 15 to 18 and in Brussels on November 19.


CDETNO is flying to France and Belgium. The Immigration, Recruitment and Career Officer, Audrey Marceau and Local Immigration Partnership Coordinator, Nicolas Carrière, are promoting job offers from Northwest Territories to Europeans wishing to settle in Canada. This annual event has been very successful for the past ten years, and it is organized by the Canadian Embassy in Paris to bring together employers, provincial and territorial government representatives and recruitment agencies, such as CDETNO, with skilled job seekers.
Despite the distance separating the old continent to Canada and the Northwest Territories, the option to hire Europeans to fill skilled positions that are not filled by Canadians is a very exciting opportunity for NWT employers. “Last year, although Destination Canada did not take place following the attacks that happened in Paris, four people including a family settled in the NWT” said Antoine Gagnon, Executive Director. “The hiring process is enhanced by the fact that job seekers are screened against the job opportunities available at the job fair. The job seekers are also motivated to come to work in Canada and they can benefit from the economic integration support by CDETNO” continues Antoine Gagnon. This year, the Government of the Northwest Territories traveled with CDETNO to promote the business stream of the territorial Nominee program to Europeans.


CDETNO was founded in 2003 with a mission to promote, encourage and support the economic development and employability of Francophones and Francophiles in the NWT. CDETNO is a member of the National Francophone Economic Development Network (RDEE Canada).


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For more information: Adeline Vette, Communication and Marketing Officer, at 867-873-5962 or