Family Services and School Integration

The Settlement Worker In Schools (SWIS) provides bilingual school-based adjustment and integration support services for students and their parents who are new to Canada.

Integration and community development are at the heart of our actions in the NWT.

  • Family and individual consultations
  • Information and orientation sessions on the school system, laws, and Canadian values
  • School integration
  • Raising awareness among school staff and community members
  • Referral to community and specialized services
  • Facilitation of relations between schools and families
  • Collaboration with Yellowknife school boards
  • Guided peer-mentor integration program
  • Community, cultural and sporting activities

Objectives for students

  • Promote understanding of cultural differences
  • Support in the registration and school integration process
  • Personalized academic support (academic support, summer camps, English as a second language, and credit courses)
  • Workshops and integration activities in schools
  • Guidance in choosing a professional career and help with employability
  • Youth Employment and Skills Strategy Program

Objectives for parents

  • Support in the registration and school integration process
  • Information on the school system in the NWT
  • Information, orientation, and referencing
  • Support for the use of school resources (staff, school calendar, diary)
  • Promote understanding of cultural differences
  • Assistance with the administrative process
  • Information on opportunities

Our school partners

We work in close collaboration with schools, in schools and are partners of the three NWT school boards.

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Contact us!

Katel Kevin KOUNHAWA
Settlement Worker in School (SWIS)

Tel.: 867 680-0610, #105
Cell.: 866 823-3866