CDETNO and its partner Éditions Présence Francophone announce the opening of the tax clinic on Friday, March 1, 2024.
This declaration relates to the year 2023 (from January 1 to December 31). The deadline for submitting the tax return and making payments if applicable is April 30, 2024.
What is the tax clinic?
Tax clinics are free and voluntary services. It is a program of the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) via the CVITP-Canada.ca.
Helping eligible individuals, primarily newcomers, complete and submit their income tax returns.
Click here to check your eligibility: Free tax counters.html (see the “Eligibility criteria” tab).
If you would like to benefit from this service, please contact our participating volunteer Isidore Guy Makaya. Three (03) possibilities are available to you:
- You can send him your various statements (T4) by email to the following address: brevelk@gmail.com.
- You may schedule an appointment by telephone at 1 867 688 6030; it is available in the evenings (after 6 p.m.) and on weekends.
- You can drop your documents in a closed envelope at the Center Intercultural TNO* and at the CDÉTNO* during business hours.
NB: Please always mention your full name and contact details when submitting documents.
*The TNO Intercultural Center and the CDETNO are located on the ground floor of the Diamond Plaza Building, respectively in suites 101 and 102, 5204 50e Ave. Yellowknife, NT X1A 1E2.
For additional information on personal taxes, we invite you to visit the CRA website: Income Tax/Impot-sur-le-revenu-des-particuliers.html
Thank you!