Outdoor activities for the whole family

Activité en plein air v3 fr

Spring is coming and it’s perfect to spend an afternoon in the forest with your family! The SWIS and Youth Entrepreneurship programs of CDETNO have planned outdoor activities in the forest on Saturday, March 26, 2022, from 1 to 4 pm. On the program: campfire, hot dog, crafts, and treasure hunt. The activity is intended for parents and

Call for immigrant advisory table volunteer

V2 call for immigrant advisory table volunteers (1)

We want to hear about your experience of settling in Yellowknife. Sharing your first-hand experience and insight on living as an immigrant in Yellowknife will inform and support the work of the Yellowknife Immigration Partnership (YIP). YIP is seeking new members for its Immigrant Advisory Table. We are looking for volunteers who were born outside

Yellowknife Farmers Market

Yellowknifer farmers market

It’s happening! The 2022 Market Season is a go and the application for vendors is now OPEN! Yellowknife Farmers Market invites anyone and everyone who’s interested in selling their goods at the market to review their vendor handbook and send in an application here: http://yellowknifefarmersmarket.ca/becomeavendor

Tax Clinic

Pour les nouveaux arrivants ayant des revenus modestes en

CDÉTNO is happy to inform you that our free Tax Clinic is now open, as of March 1st, 2022! Indeed, it is tax season: it is time to submit your taxes for the year 2021. The deadline to submit your income taxes to the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) is April 30th, 2022. Through the Income

22nd Edition Employment Café

Mercredi 23 mars 2022

Our next Employment Café will be on March 23rd, 2022 from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. online for employers of the south slave region. Are you a job seeker? Come network in a professional and relaxed atmosphere! Sign up by clicking here. You are an employer and have vacancies? Come recruit and find your ideal candidate. You

Networking Evening for entrepreneurs

Soirée réseautage facebook (1)

Are you an entrepreneur or a future entrepreneur? CDETNO invites you to a networking evening to: Meet NWT entrepreneurs Identify business opportunities Develop your business Come on Saturday, March 26, 2022, from 5 p.m. to 6 p.m. (MST) via Zoom. → Sign up by clicking here For more information contact Christian Fure, Economic Development and

Employment Café 21st Édition

Café emploi 2022

Our next Employment Café will be on March 2nd, 2022 from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. online. Are you a job seeker? Come network in a professional and relaxed atmosphere! Sign up by clicking here. You are an employer and have vacancies? Come recruit and find your ideal candidate. You can reserve your spot by clicking

Drawing contest ‘Draw me the North’

Drawing contest (3)

Participation deadline: February 18, 2022 Win a chance to see your drawing in a coloring book distributed throughout the NWT! Contest open from February 4 to 18, 2022 for students in grades K-12 Download the drawing sheet 2. Choose your theme 3. Send your drawing before February 18 at midnight to the following email address:

Pan-Territorial conference/discussion: The benefit and retention of the immigrant workforce

Conférence discussion fev 2022 tno (en)

You are an employer, you are hiring, or do you have plans to hire immigrants within your company? Would you like to learn more about immigrant workforce retention in your company or share with us your good practices on this subject? If so, come and participate in our hybrid (face-to-face/online) conference discussion for employers on: