CDETNO 20th anniversary program

This anniversary, under the theme: 20 years of experience and presence in the community, will combine reflection, sharing of information, and great rejoicing.

Launch of the 20th with a live visual radio show

In collaboration with Média ténois, a show will be hosted live from the Diamond Plaza Building at 5204 50th Avenue starting at 8:30 a.m. in the presence of guests and staff members. The public is also invited to stop by for a free coffee to mark the start of a busy week, highlighting 20 years of experience and presence of CDETNO in the community.

The special visual radio program will be broadcast on Radio Taïga and our various platforms live.

On the morning of October 15, CDETNO is also sponsoring the Cabin Radio morning show which will broadcast content related to the organization’s 20th anniversary.

Enhanced Resume Writing

In preparation for the Employment Café, this workshop will allow potential job seekers to write their CVs with our Career Coach, Mercy Beilem at the training centre at 4915, 53e Rue from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m.

To reserve your spot, send an email to or call (867) 873-8790.

Crossed perspectives on immigration in the NWT – Testimonials

Leader in welcoming and integrating newcomers in the NWT, for the celebration of its 20th anniversary, CDETNO and its partners are offering a 5 to 7 for reflection and sharing under the theme: Crossed perspectives on immigration in the NWT – Testimonials.

The event will be held in person at the training centre at 4915 53rd street and online for those who cannot make the trip.

An overview of CDETNO’s existence will be presented, along with a webinar on the myths and realities concerning the immigrant population, as well as a series of testimonies from immigrants. The evening will conclude with an informal networking session. The registration link will be released shortly.

Job search and interview Preparation Workshop

After resume writing, potential job seekers will benefit from a second tool workshop to better identify positions that match their profile at the training centre at 4915 53 street from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m.. They will also be able to learn techniques for structuring job interviews that will help them in making relevant connections and demonstrating that their profile matches the employer’s requirements.

To reserve your spot, email or call (867) 873-8790.

The 28th Employment Café

This free recruiting, networking, and promotional event is one of a kind in the city of Yellowknife.

CDETNO has built an experience of attracting a diverse workforce ready to meet the needs of local businesses seeking new skills for a stronger Territorial Economy.

If you are looking for employees, planning a recruitment campaign, or simply want to expand your database of potential candidates, this Employment Café on October 16, 2024, from 5:00 to 7:00 p.m. at Greenstone Building, 5101 50th Avenue is not to be missed.

To participate, please send an email to Your email should include the information of the contact person(s) as well as your logo. We will follow up with the designated person and be available to answer any questions you may have.

During the event, each participating organization will have its job offers displayed in the room, and we will facilitate interviews based on the profiles of visitors.

Dialogue on the Future of the NWT Labour Market

Following CDETNO’s mission which is to promote, stimulate, and support economic development and employability, the organization wishes with this activity on October 17 At the Yellowknife Historical Museum from 2 p.m. to start a dialogue with the main stakeholders around the table.

Based on NWT Bureau of Statistics projections, there will be 13,100 job openings between 2023 and 2032, for an average of 1,310 jobs annually. Yellowknife (59%) and South Slave (16%) are expected to have a larger share of job openings, corresponding with the higher employment levels in the two regions compared to the rest of the territory.

At the same time, other reports, like the one titled “Eyes Wide Open,” indicate that the NWT economy is on a trajectory that will see its mining, oil, and gas sector diminish to a small fraction of what it is today. It states that around 1,500 jobs will be lost by the closure of the Diavik mine, which will take place from 2026 to 2030.

Annual general meeting (AGM) 2023 – 2024

CDETNO’s Annual General Meeting (AGM) will be held on Friday, October 18, 2024, at 5 p.m., online on Zoom and in-person at the Explorer Hotel in Yellowknife (only a few places will be available at the Explorer Hotel for the AGM).

Grand Gala of celebration and recognition

The evening of October 18 will mark the apotheosis of CDETNO’s 20th celebration with a grand Gala of rejoicing and recognition from 7 pm at the Explorer Hotel.